Saturday, August 2, 2014

Taking the Mark of the Beast and buying and selling during the first tribulation

About Gold and Silver and the meaning of taking the mark.    
by Jennifer Siagian

As Christians we know not to “take the mark” of the beast* 666;  and so during the tribulation those without will not be able to buy or sell.
KJV  Revelation 13:16  *16 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads;  
Note: The translation changes from “in” to “on” in the NKJV- that’s why it is so important to keep as close to original Greek and Hebrew as possible. *
17 And that no man can buy or sell unless he have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who have understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 600 threescore and six. “

*Over the years many “Kenites” have gotten in to the business of scripture translation. thus the beginnings of “the great deception”  was in play.   Their goal is to misquote scripture by replacing key words thus causing confusion and misinterpretation of the Word.
God is not the author of confusion.  Confusion = babel.  Who is the king of Babylon as referred to KJV Isaiah 14:4 “That thou should take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say;  How hath the oppressor ceased? 14:12-15: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning?  How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations? 13: For thou hast said in thine heart; I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stares of God: I will sit also upon the mount of congregation, in the sides of the North. 14: I will be like the most High. 15: Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell.
Who is the author of confusion? Satan!  So be real careful as you read God’s Word, taking precaution not to be tempted to listen to man’s interpretation of God’s words but to receive the Words from He who wrote them. **The problem of mistranslation is seen in every newer Bible editions.
**For example;  By replacing the word “in”(KJV)  to “on” (NKJV)   Revelation 13:16l leads many to beLIEve that receiving the mark is some physical act (like getting a tattoo or microchip upc code implant) as opposed to it’s true meaning which is a spiritual act..(The very believing in the LIE that to take his mark is a physical act when it really means you have taken INTO your mind this false belief and with it Satan’s false doctrine which propagates this LIE.
.The spirit is of the mind as Jesus quoted Ephesian 4:23  “And be renewed by the spirit of your mind.
I always use the KJV -reference it with the 1611 KJV and a Strong’s concordance when desiring to take meaning from the original Greek and Hebrew translation,  as in the Mazzaroth.  
HOW I SAW IT: Now one day while watching television a program called Rare Coins was on.  I began to “see”  ancient Hebrew lettering superimposed on  the coins that were being offered for sale.  There was one episode in which they were selling silver bullets too.
Then I noticed the markings on the bullets and the bars and of the purity grades given to the coinage.  It is .999  Wow!  The same applies to gold.  The bars were all stamped with the number .999  which is 666. inverted and 9 is the number of Sheen. (W)  Satans alphabetic letter.
more on this…. WWW=999  (internet?  coincidence?)  9 biblically signifies JUDGEMENT.  see my essay “Satan Prince of the Air”
So DO NOT STOCKPILE GOLD AND SILVER as a way to avoid taking the number in which you want to buy your food and necessities with during the tribulation-which by the way WE ALL WILL BE HERE as there is NO ONE FLYING AWAY* beforehand. The currency is marked. .999  reverse it… is 666.  
If it’s any consolation  the time of the tribulation has been shortened to 5 months for the sake of the elect ; so I ‘m sure God will take care of His own and those who know the false one comes first (the elect) will be able to eat and have their other needs met.
Matthew 24:22 “ And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened
**Even though taking the mark refers to what you believe in your mind and what works you are speaking Truth or helping Satan nurse along his false doctrine by false teaching and/or participating in his pagan substitutions which are his way of receiving worship… there is the technicality of there being actual marks upon things.  Satan is a trickster. Be forewarned the Gold and Silver is literally marked.  *see for yourself. look at what is stamped on to a bar and it’s done so in the guise of being a purity grade stamp.  ,999  if turned upside down… it’s 666.  Satan is Anti christ… and in the Greek Anti means instead of.  everything he does is reverse of Christ.  Upside down, backwards.   How clever he is!…. .999 turned upside down is .666. So again….
you can’t use gold and silver as a way to avoid using other money to buy and sell.  It is marked.

The number 666 refers to the 6th trump, The appearance of the Antichrist “Satan himself” will return claiming to be the messiah who has come to save the world and to rapture the church and it’s saints out of here.   The 6th seal: The beLIEving in the lie that the antichrist is the Christ and by doing so… worshipped Satan. The sixth vial; The tribulation.

If you still don’t get it…what it means to take the mark;  that the false one comes first then you are a follower of man's traditions.* see my essay “ Rapture Theory, No One is Flying Away”
If you still celebrate Easter…(worship of Ishtar…a pagan fertility feast day in which participants engage in sexual orgies and there's the rolling of red fertility eggs symbolizing the child sacrifice.
If you replaced God’s commandment to keep the Sabbath holy and accept the doctrine that Sunday is to be the day of worship. (instituted by pagan Bael worshippers within the Roman Catholic Church in concert with Roman political leaders and philosophers…)
If you follow these and the many other traditions of man, you are not and will not be a spiritual virgin upon the return of the True Christ (7th trump).  
You are and would have been “spiritually sleeping with Satan)  You will not be invited to the great wedding feast with Christ because you would have worshipped Satan.

If it’s of any consolation to you... You’ll still have one more thousand years to repent of this and come to the Truth during the millennial reign of Christ but that’s it.  After, if you still deny Truth  after having had lived during the 1000 year reign of Christ without the temptations and deceptions of Lucifer; you will be blotted out as if you never even existed because you belong to Satan. In a way God is being merciful to those unfortunates and by blotting them out ending their misery.

The FALSE ONE COMES FIRST this is the 6th trump. True Christ returns on the 7th trump.

If you have the seal of God within your mind, you can not and will not be deceived in the “hour of temptation” when the FALSE ONE appears with his message “ I am messiah and I’ve come to FLY you all away..(the great apostasy) If you don’t or should I say won’t accept this Truth then you are marked.
Matthew 24:23-26:Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo here is the Christ, or there, believe it not.
24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, And shall shew great signs and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible, shall deceive the very elect.
25: Behold I have told you before.”reread verse 23: {how soon we forget!}
26: Wherefore if they say unto you, Behold he is in the desert, DO NOT GO FORTH: Behold, he is in the secret chamber, BELIEVE IT NOT

God is so AWESOME.. He is perfect in all His ways.  He is numerical, orderly, clever, divine, majestic and is Creator of ALL things.  I can’t even put into words the perfection of His divine plan for the salvation of His souls.  All souls belong to Him and He has given and will give every opportunity for each and every one of them to come to this Truth and return to Him.  Until after the millennium reign of Christ the door remains open.  Because He loves us. After that it will be shut.

I recommend ordering the free introductory package offered by Shepherd’s Chapel which includes a CD “Mark of the Beast”  in it this topic of taking the number is more fully expanded upon.    I am a student of Shepherd’s Chapel and this work is written by me and is not in a ny way affiliated with the Chapel.  www.shepherdschapel,com   
I would very much like to hear from you.  E mail me at
I am starting a blog “Fig Informer”  for the elect and for others who are to receive Truth.  look for it soon .  God Bless.  

Written to you with love and with the hopes of opening eyes and ears to the precious Words of God.    from  a malak in Brooklyn   Amen and amen.      

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